PAULINE - 1846departed from Bremen with Captain L. Steljes, arrived Port Adelaide on September 27th, 1846Many of the passengers were mechanics and handiscraftsmen, and not miners, as first reported. The colonists were taken by surprise at its generally unexpected arrival. The “PAULINE” also bought the news that the ship PATEL, full of emigrants, was to sail from Bremen three days after the “PAULINE” and that a large number of persons had already engaged passages on board the ship GEORGE WASHINGTON destined to follow close upon the others. Captain Stelljer of the “PAULINE” predicted that during the coming season the tide of emigration from Germany to the United States would be turned to South Australia. "The Register" (September 30, 1846) states that Mr. Dixon's able report on the Burra Mine had been translated into German and extensively circulated in Germany, the effect being that many miners had been induced to determine on emigration to South Australia. Dr. Bauer adds the note, “A number of the ‘PAULINE’ passengers settled in the Onkaparinga district and joined up with Pastor Frizsche’s congregation”. [H.F.W. Proeve]. |
![]() for publishing it, and to the State Library of South Australia for making it available for you to read. |